Hosting a Blog with CDN in Azure - Part 1

Since Azure added the ability to host static web sites in blob storage without the need for redirect rules, I’ve been wanting to try it out. I use this blog as a testing ground for various bits of technology that I want to learn, whether that’s writing the code, or building the infrastructure. This is how I went about building the site, setting up Azure, and how I deploy it automatically using Azure DevOps.

In this first article I’ll look at setting up a new blog, migrating my existing data into it, and building the files required for hosting.

Choosing a blogging platform

The first challenge was choosing a platform to generate my static content. I was hosting my site on Ghost hosted in Digital Ocean, and it was good, although it was costing $5 a month. But in order to get static content from that I’d need to do a lot more work. There is a great post about how to achieve that by Steve Elliott.

I wanted something simple to get going, so I opted for Hugo. It’s not just a blogging platform, you can generate a variety of different types of sites. It has a command line interface for building and running the site, a large number of community made themes for getting started, and content is written in markdown. This seemed like a good place to start.

Running Hugo locally

Now I have my platform of choice, it’s time to set up the structure locally and spin it up. Like I mentioned above, Hugo has a command line interface tool that does all the heavy lifting.

I don’t really want to install hugo on my own machine, so it’s Docker time.

FROM alpine:latest
RUN apk --no-cache add ca-certificates curl bash
RUN curl -L | tar -zOxf - hugo > /usr/bin/hugo && chmod +x /usr/bin/hugo

Next a docker-compose file for added convenience…

    container_name: hugo-cli
      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
    image: hugo:0.54.0
      - './:/app'
    working_dir: '/app/my-site'
      - '1313:1313'

Get it built and set up a new site…

docker-compose build hugo
docker-compose run --rm --service-ports --entrypoint "hugo new site my-site" hugo

If all goes well, on our machine we should have a new subdirectory called my-site and within that, should be a brand new Hugo site.

Let’s run it in a local server…

docker-compose run --rm --service-ports --entrypoint "hugo server -D --enableGitInfo --bind \"\"" hugo

Now browsing to localhost:1313 we should see the site running. The local server will also hot reload, so any changes made are instantly reflected in the browser.

Make changes to the config.toml file and themes as per the documentation.

Getting content from Ghost

The first thing I had to do was get my existing content out of my existing Ghost blog. Luckily the Ghost platform makes it easy to get your content in the form of Json. Once I had this I needed to take the posts and somehow convert them into Markdown.

Fortunately someone already created a tool to do it on GitHub. All that was needed was a quick Dockerfile to run it on.

FROM alpine:latest
RUN apk --no-cache add ca-certificates curl bash
RUN curl -L | tar -zOxf - ghostToHugo > /usr/bin/ghostToHugo && chmod +x /usr/bin/ghostToHugo

Then build and run…

docker build -t ghostmigrate .
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/pwd/ -p 1313:1313/tcp -it -w '/pwd/Ghost' ghostmigrate

Assuming that our exported Ghost Json file is located in a sub folder of the current directory called Ghost then we just need to run…

ghostToHugo export.json -l <Path To Hugo>`

This should take all the pages and posts from Ghost and create the Markdown required to work in Hugo. It’s worth checking the front matter and content to make sure it’s formatted as you want.

Creating a static site

When I was happy with the content locally the next step was to build the site ready for deployment.

Using the same Docker image as I used previously…

docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint "hugo --enableGitInfo" hugo

This should generate a public folder in the my-site folder which will contain all the static files required to run the site.

Next steps

In my next post, we’ll take a look at hosting this in Azure blob storage and accessing it via the static website functionality.

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